
VOL. 32, No. 2 2016

For our upcoming 2017 issue, IJEDE welcomes submissions that focus on what Olaf Zawacki-Richter and Terry Anderson (2014) categorize as macro and meso-level research. In Online Distance Education: Towards a Research Agenda the authors contend that much of the research in online distance education has been at the micro-level—investigating learning and teaching processes associated with distance learning. We agree with their contention that more distance education research is needed at the meso-level—focusing on topics related to management, organization, and technology and at the macro-level— focusing on as issues relevant to distance education systems and theories.  Similar to Urie Bronfenbrenner’s (1979) ecological systems theory of human development, considering the various system levels of influence provides a more holistic view of the phenomena under study.

With this in mind, we are especially soliciting scholarly articles, research papers, reports, and dialogues focusing on meso- and macro- research levels of distance education research for our upcoming issues.

Dr. Kathryn Lee, Associate Editor

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