Vol. 35 No. 2 (2020)
Research Articles

Exploring Video Conferencing as Possible Tool to Teach English in Public Schools in Paraguay

Leonardo Sandoval
Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Paraguay
Valentina Canese Caballero
Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Paraguay

How to Cite

Sandoval, L., & Canese Caballero, V. (2020). Exploring Video Conferencing as Possible Tool to Teach English in Public Schools in Paraguay. International Journal of E-Learning & Distance Education Revue Internationale Du E-Learning Et La Formation à Distance, 35(2). Retrieved from https://www.ijede.ca/index.php/jde/article/view/1129


The Ministry of Education of Paraguay (MEC) has introduced the teaching of English in public primary education in 2012. However, the number of English teachers was not enough to meet the high demand, especially because the majority of those teachers reside in the central department of the country. As a response, this qualitative research study was designed to examine the feasibility of teaching English via videoconferencing. In the process, semi-structured interviews served as the main data collection instrument, leading to the conclusion that videoconferencing could become an effective teaching option, but it will not be feasible until a project fostered by governmental institutions in coordination with departmental governments join forces towards a common and synchronised objective. Technology could become a meaningful teaching tool; albeit, an expensive one. Therefore a sustainable action plan should be elaborated for a successful implementation that yields the expected outcomes.


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