Research Articles
Published 2014-11-11
- blended learning,
- student perceptions,
- parent perceptions,
- International Baccalaureate
How to Cite
Siko, J. P. (2014). Testing the Waters: An Analysis of the Student and Parent Experience in a Secondary School’s First Blended Course Offering. International Journal of E-Learning & Distance Education Revue Internationale Du E-Learning Et La Formation à Distance, 29(2). Retrieved from
In this study, the perceptions of parents (n = 14) and students (n = 47) enrolled in a blended learning course, the first of its kind at their school, were examined. Student performance in the blended and in the traditional portion of the course was examined, and the Educational Success Prediction Instrument (ESPRI) was administered to predict student performance. Both the students and parents were initially excited about the blended learning experience but were concerned about its effect on student performance. Teacher communication was a perceived concern. Differences in student performance between the two portions of the course were not statistically significant (p = .35). The ESPRI had correctly predicted approximately 84% of the outcomes (n = 43).References
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